YouTube & More Collection

YouTube-stuff related to IMWe in general

"Do you speak english?"

How difficult to talk with each other, if we wouldn't have that one language...

"German Coastguard"

Improve your english!

Also available for download on this webpage (right-click > 'Save as...')


Here you can see Michele (an ex-teamer) doing his job as a tattooist in an advertisement.

Not found on YouTube yet - but available for download on this webpage (right-click > 'Save as...')

YouTube-stuff related to IMWe 2010

The IMWe 2010 Trailer
Icelandic girls singing a wonderful german song about not speaking german...

YouTube-stuff related to IMWe 2009

I had a dream - The Clay Movie (Part 1)

Part 2 is unfortunately not available on YouTube - but it is HERE!

YouTube-stuff related to IMWe 2008

The IMWe 2008 Trailer
Bad Day - The Lego Movie